Alex Gklaros-Stavropoulos (’25) open under the basket. -
Chris Verceles (’25) takes a shot from behind the three-point line. -
A. Gklaros-Stavropoulos puts up a floater. -
Nick Gklaros-Stavropoulos (’27) sets a screen for Casey Lazo (’25). -
A. Gklaros-Stavropoulos blocks a shot from an opposing Sacred Heart Cathedral player. -
N. Gklaros-Stavropoulos shoots a three at the buzzer. -
N. Gklaros-Stavropoulos looks to pass the ball. -
Max Haberlach (’26) guards a Sacred Heart player. -
Maxx Ladd (’25) brings the ball up the court. -
A. Gklaros-Stavropoulos corrals the rebound. -
Ladd drives for the layup. -
A. Gklaros-Stavropoulos catches the ball. -
N. Gklaros-Stavropoulos at the line for a free throw. -
Haberlach with the ball. -
Quentin Robinson (’25) with the ball. -
A. Gklaros-Stavropoulos shoots a free throw. -
N. Gklaros-Stavropoulos following through after a shot. -
Ladd passes the ball. -
Haberlach shoots the ball. -
A. Gklaros-Stavropoulos protects the rim. -
Haberlach dribbles past a defender. -
A. Gklaros-Stavropoulos puts the ball up. -
Ladd puts up a floater.
Saint Francis team preparing for the next play. -
A. Gklaros-Stavropoulos -
A. Gklaros-Stavropoulos stands at the free throw line. -
A. Gklaros-Stavropoulos shoots an elbow jumper.
Verceles subbing out. -
Both teams showing sportsmanship after the game. -
Saint Francis spirit with the Alma Mater. -
Saint Francis team huddling and drawing up the next play. -
Another shot of mutual sportsmanship. -
SFHS team watching on the sideline. -
Coaches and players gathering for a huddle. -
A tense huddle as the game is soon coming to a close. -
Saint Francis team gathering as the game ends in a loss.
The Varsity Pom Squad strikes their opening pose. -
Pom Squad waits for their music to start. -
Lady Lancers hitting a picturesque moment during their routine. -
Pom Squad striking a pose in a pyramid formation. -
Daniela Araneta (’25) stands at the front. -
Camryn Motil (’24) strikes a pose. -
Pom in their ending pose. -
Brooke Beardsley (’24), Motil, and Araneta wave to the audience after their performance. -
Varsity Pom Squad cheers on boys’ basketball from the sidelines.
Joey Paulson (’25) and Aaron Knapp (’25) seated in the student section costumed as ESPN sports commentators. -
Saint Francis student section hyping up the team. -
A. Gklaros-Stavropoulos introduced with the Saint Francis students. -
Lazo jumping to his introduction at the start of the game. -
Haberlach thrown up in introduction by the student section. -
Verceles thrown in the air as a game introduction. -
Jordan introduced by an energized lift into the air by the student section. -
Engrossed students and teachers during the tense game. -
Student section cheered on the tense game.