Alex Gklaros-Stavropoulos (’25) open under the basket.
Chris Verceles (’25) takes a shot from behind the three-point line.
A. Gklaros-Stavropoulos puts up a floater.
Nick Gklaros-Stavropoulos (’27) sets a screen for Casey Lazo (’25).
A. Gklaros-Stavropoulos blocks a shot from an opposing Sacred Heart Cathedral player.
N. Gklaros-Stavropoulos shoots a three at the buzzer.
N. Gklaros-Stavropoulos looks to pass the ball.
Max Haberlach (’26) guards a Sacred Heart player.
Maxx Ladd (’25) brings the ball up the court.
A. Gklaros-Stavropoulos corrals the rebound.
Ladd drives for the layup.
A. Gklaros-Stavropoulos catches the ball.
N. Gklaros-Stavropoulos at the line for a free throw.
Haberlach with the ball.
Quentin Robinson (’25) with the ball.
A. Gklaros-Stavropoulos shoots a free throw.
N. Gklaros-Stavropoulos following through after a shot.
Ladd passes the ball.
Haberlach shoots the ball.
A. Gklaros-Stavropoulos protects the rim.
Haberlach dribbles past a defender.
A. Gklaros-Stavropoulos puts the ball up.
Ladd puts up a floater.
Saint Francis team preparing for the next play.
A. Gklaros-Stavropoulos
A. Gklaros-Stavropoulos stands at the free throw line.
A. Gklaros-Stavropoulos shoots an elbow jumper.
Verceles subbing out.
Both teams showing sportsmanship after the game.
Saint Francis spirit with the Alma Mater.
Saint Francis team huddling and drawing up the next play.
Another shot of mutual sportsmanship.
SFHS team watching on the sideline.
Coaches and players gathering for a huddle.
A tense huddle as the game is soon coming to a close.
Saint Francis team gathering as the game ends in a loss.
The Varsity Pom Squad strikes their opening pose.
Pom Squad waits for their music to start.
Lady Lancers hitting a picturesque moment during their routine.
Pom Squad striking a pose in a pyramid formation.
Daniela Araneta (’25) stands at the front.
Camryn Motil (’24) strikes a pose.
Pom in their ending pose.
Brooke Beardsley (’24), Motil, and Araneta wave to the audience after their performance.
Varsity Pom Squad cheers on boys’ basketball from the sidelines.
Joey Paulson (’25) and Aaron Knapp (’25) seated in the student section costumed as ESPN sports commentators.
Saint Francis student section hyping up the team.
A. Gklaros-Stavropoulos introduced with the Saint Francis students.
Lazo jumping to his introduction at the start of the game.
Haberlach thrown up in introduction by the student section.
Verceles thrown in the air as a game introduction.
Jordan introduced by an energized lift into the air by the student section.
Engrossed students and teachers during the tense game.
Student section cheered on the tense game.