by Kylie Tran (’25) | November 17, 2023
Gianna Tyson (’25) tying the weight bucket in preparation for graded test. Ava Bulanti (’25) and Ella Ray (’25) nervously place weights under the bridge. Shepard Cremer (’25) and Makoto Posley (’25) carefully prepare to test their design. Franny Huang (’25) tests her bridge with metal weights. A group of students discuss the flaws of their bridge design with Mr. Rubin. Yanik Dabke ‘24 anticipating his bridge breaking. Student group, Mia Bronzini ’25, Fernanda Garcia ’25 and Tessa Lee ‘ 25, prepare to test their pasta bridge. Renee Lerissa (’25) laughs as her bridge breaks.
Students gather to inspect the damage to a peer’s pasta bridge with their instructor, Mr. Rubin. Esha Merchant (’25), Franny Huang (’25), and Isabella Lim (’25) discuss how to improve their bridge with Mr. Rubin. Students Makoto Posley (’25) and Shepard Cremer (’25) debate the functionality and flaws of their bridge. Mia Bronzini (’25), Fernanda Garcia (’25), and Tessa Lee (’25) mark where they believe their peer’s bridge will collapse at.