In a significant advancement following NASA’s discovery of water on the moon’s surface in 2020, scientists have now detected water on an asteroid’s surface. Understanding the presence of water in various forms throughout space is pivotal for deciphering the universe’s formation. By studying the types of water discovered, scientists hope to glean insights into the evolutionary history of planets, meteoroids, and moons in the solar system.
This year, scientists studied bodies within the asteroid belt utilizing the Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy (SOFIA). SOFIA, an airborne telescope mounted on a Boeing 747SP, ventured into Earth’s stratosphere to detect water molecules on two asteroids, Iris and Massalia, located approximately 223.1 million miles away from the sun. Despite successful detection of water on these asteroids, subsequent attempts to detect it on other asteroids using SOFIA proved futile due to faint readings.
The discovery of water on silicate asteroids Iris and Massalia, which are distant from the sun, challenges previous assumptions. While silicate asteroids typically form closer to the sun without water, these findings suggest a more complex evolutionary journey. Analyzing the composition and locations of such asteroids sheds light on material distribution in the solar nebula and its evolution. This understanding extends beyond our solar system, influencing the search for water and potential life elsewhere.
The quantity of water found on the surface of these asteroids equates to that on a sunlit moon or approximately a twelve-ounce water bottle per cubic foot of soil. Moreover, additional data gathered on Iris and Massalia has enabled scientists to identify characteristics conducive to water retention, leading to the identification of thirty more asteroids as potential targets for water and life exploration.
Efforts to observe more distant asteroids, like Parthenope and Melpomene, with SOFIA were hampered by excessive noise in the readings, leading to the utilization of NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope. As the premier infrared space observatory, the James Webb Space Telescope’s superior optics and signal-to-noise ratio offer promising prospects for exploring a wider array of targets.
In summary, the recent revelations of water on both lunar and asteroid surfaces have deepened our comprehension of the solar system’s composition and history. SOFIA’s role in uncovering water content on asteroids Iris and Massalia marks a significant milestone, providing insights into their origins and journey through the solar system. Despite challenges in detecting faint signals from distant asteroids, the successes achieved pave the way for future exploration. With the addition of the James Webb Space Telescope’s advanced capabilities, the quest to unravel the mysteries of water distribution within our solar system and beyond continues, offering exciting avenues for the exploration of potential life and enriching our understanding of the universe’s origins.