Joselyn Coon ('27)
“After my first month [at Saint Francis], I feel like my perspective completely changed. I started to get involved on campus and [it] pushed me into the community,” says Vivian Rogers (’27). Attending a new school can be exciting but also nerve-racking. We were curious about the experience of other freshmen at Saint Francis, so we took it upon ourselves to interview five freshmen who represent the diverse population of our school community. They have a lot to say about their experience here, so keep reading to find out more about their extracurriculars and adjustment to high school.
Thanks to the hard work of our educators and faculty, a number of events and programs were held to welcome the Class of 2027. Tatiana Antovich (’27) recalls her shadow visit: “I felt like I was being treated as though they were my friends rather than [as] a visitor who is from elsewhere.” Antovich describes the “spirited” atmosphere she felt throughout Saint Francis.
Laya Vinay (’27), who was already familiar with Saint Francis, mentions her experience being the younger sibling of a former Lancer: “[Because of my sister], I think I already was built on the concept that the school was just amazing, and I saw the campus and… I fell in love.”
The freshmen class’s transition into high school was also met with some challenges. A common fear seemed to be whether they would make friends. “I had anxiety trying to find new friends because I made really good friends in middle school so I was worried that I wouldn’t find [friends I’d be as close to],” Joanne Lee (’27) explains. However, interviewees added that this anxiety quickly dissipated. Vinay remarks that “as soon as I found my friend group, [I felt] fine.”
In their first few weeks, freshmen became familiar with the school and felt a sense of belonging. Interviewees reflected on the way they felt entering Saint Francis and the changes they experienced. Rogers says, “This is the first time a new school has actually exceeded my expectations for how their community would be.” She elaborated, sharing how it was a “better fit than [she] originally thought.”
This sense of community has encouraged freshmen to engage in school events. One in particular, football games, has instilled a great sense of school pride. Students also added the Back to School Dance, rally, and their service hours to their most memorable experiences so far.
As for extracurriculars, the Class of ’27 has been getting heavily involved. Freshman Council, Rogers notes, “[has] been very engaging, and gives me a good look into what we are doing as a school, especially what our faculty is doing to engage us as leaders.” She describes how Saint Francis fosters her passion for leadership. Vinay, who participates in debate, and Neil Patel (’27), who is in band, both love their experiences so far and are having fun. While discussing her time in the fall play, Lee says, “It’s been going [well]. I put my best effort into auditions in order to get the best role that I could. I hope that I get to be featured in more productions as I grow.” As for Freshmen Cross Country, Antovich states, “It is a great experience for me and a great way to get exercise as well.”
That’s all from our freshmen. There is one thing that sticks out from every interview: go put yourself out there. Be like our freshmen, who are taking huge strides to fulfill goals of becoming better leaders and achieving academic success. As Rogers explains, “You get what you put in.”