Emma Lee ('27)
One of this year’s most popular TikTok audios is “This is my meal, I call it girl dinner. Girl dinner, girl dinner, GIRL DINNER.” All over the world, people have been posting their go-to meals with the hashtag #girldinner. In this article, I’ll tackle the origins of the “girl dinner” sound, what it signifies, and discuss the trend’s effects on women.
The “girl dinner” craze emerged from a video by content creator Olivia Maher, on the social media platform TikTok. Her original video, now amassing a little over 1.5 million views, featured a board of grapes, bread, wine, cheese, and other miscellaneous ingredients, imitating medieval peasant food. This video birthed user karmapilled’s infamous “girl dinner” audio, which now has over 20.4 million views and 437.7 thousand featured videos.
So, what is “girl dinner” exactly? There is no true definition of “girl dinner,” as girl dinner depends entirely on its consumer’s desires. Girl dinner ranges from charcuterie board-esque plates to a single Häagen-Dazs ice cream bar. While these pseudo-meals may seem haphazard, there are several commonalities that make girl dinner, well, girl dinner. At its core, girl dinner is a single serving, low-effort, and delicious meal. Girl dinner is self-indulgence with no strings attached. As sophomore Elizabeth Shih (ʼ26) puts it, “My girl dinner is whatever is convenient and fits my mood. Sometimes it’s a bowl of rice and pork floss. Or Kraft Mac n Cheese.” Girl dinner is spontaneous, quirky, and most of all, fun!
Although girl dinner started off as a harmless upload, the viral sound has since sparked a controversy about its impact on women. Supporters assert girl dinner’s role in abolishing traditional, patriarchal standards in which women are expected to spend long hours cooking elaborate meals for their husbands and families. However, the trend has drawn significant criticism as well. Some argue that rather than uprooting patriarchal tradition, the idea of “girl dinner” perpetuates these norms instead. Critics claim that “girl dinner” is often synonymous with sparse portions, which can promote disordered eating; eating disorders have long been dangerous to female health, often triggered by impossible beauty standards pushed by society.
While the true nature of girl dinner is still up for debate, it’s not stopping the girl dinner craze. In fact, each person has to ultimately decide what their “girl dinner” is. “Girl dinner” is a creative form of self-interpretation and is essentially “you” on a plate. Plus, girl dinner is all-inclusive, offering anyone and everyone the opportunity to craft their own meal. So, give “girl dinner” a try—but definitely don’t make it an everyday thing!